Juvenile Defense

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Juvenile Defense Lawyer

If your child is suspected of or charged with a crime the best option in all circumstances is to exercise the right to remain silent until you have had a chance to talk to a competent juvenile defense lawyer.

We know that parents really love their kids and want to do all they can for them. In fact, many of them contact Attorney Mark Helwig when their children get into trouble. Some call us immediately so we can intercede before the police pressure them into speaking against their own interests or before their words can be twisted around to be used against them. We have found that the biggest problem that our juvenile clients confront no matter what the charges are is not taking advantage of their right to remain silent.

There is usually much more flexibility in the juvenile court system to shape resolutions that are beneficial to juvenile offenders.

Sometimes parents do not call us right away. In these cases, we usually cannot explain the juveniles rights prior to speaking to the police. However, we do encourage parents not to let their children just “tell the policeman what happened.” As with any criminal arrest, juveniles have a right to remain silent and exercising this right is usually the best option in all circumstances until you have had a chance to talk to a competent juvenile defense lawyer. The police cannot use the fact that you exercised your rights against you, no matter how much they say they can.

We also handle the school expulsion and suspension hearings at the administrative level.

If your child has been arrested or sent a summons in the mail to appear in juvenile court or if the school is trying to expel your child for vandalism, motor vehicle offenses, possession of marijuana, underage drinking,  assault and battery, or any other juvenile matter—don’t talk to anyone until you have talked to an experienced juvenile defense attorney. Call us now. We may be able to help.

There is usually much more flexibility in the juvenile court system to shape resolutions that are beneficial to juvenile offenders. However, you need a criminal defense lawyer that knows the procedures in the juvenile courts. Our law offices are located in Framingham and Sudbury, Massachusetts. Call for a free case evaluation by phone.

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